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What is skype and how to use it?

What is skype and how to use it?

Skype is a versatile software that facilitates global communication. Millions of individuals and businesses rely on Skype for free video calls, voice calls, both one-to-one and group calls, as well as for instant messaging and file sharing. You can use Skype on your mobile phone, computer, or tablet, depending on what suits you best. Skype is available for free download and is designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible and straightforward for everyone to use. How to Use Skype for Video Calls Skype is a fantastic application for video calls, letting you connect with friends and family even when you’re miles apart. It’s completely free and can be used on a phone, tablet, laptop, or computer. Most devices come with built-in microphones and cameras, but you might need an external webcam if you’re using a laptop. Additionally, Skype can even be used on a TV with a special device called CallGenie. This guide will

Explain: How Zoom work?

Explain: How Zoom work?

Introduction Zoom is a versatile communication platform enabling seamless video, audio, phone, and chat connections. To begin, users need a compatible device and internet connection. New users can kick off by signing up for an account on Zoom’s Meetings platform and downloading the Zoom client. This straightforward process ensures quick access to Zoom‘s extensive features for virtual meetings and collaborations. Are you interested in learning Zoom work and mastering Zoom? As remote work became the norm during the COVID-19 pandemic, video conferencing tools such as Zoom became popular. If you’re new to Zoom, navigating its features can feel overwhelming. But fret not. This comprehensive guide walks you through using Zoom step by step, ensuring a quick start. We’ll delve into its essential functionalities and pricing, aiding you in deciding if it suits your team’s needs. Furthermore, discover three invaluable tips for hosting productive virtual meetings. Learn Zoom widely: Table of

Ayat ul Kursi: Understanding Its Significance and Benefits

Ayat ul Kursi: Understanding Its Significance and Benefits

Ayat ul Kursi, or the Throne Verse, holds profound significance in Islamic tradition and is revered for its spiritual potency and protective qualities. Here’s a deeper exploration of its benefits, importance, and ways to incorporate it into daily life: Importance and Spiritual Significance Divine Attributes: Ayat ul Kursi describes Allah’s attributes of omnipotence, omniscience, and mercy, instilling a sense of trust and reliance among believers. Position in the Qur’an: Placed immediately after a discourse on Allah’s authority and knowledge in Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat ul Kursi underscores its central role in Islamic theology. Benefits of Reciting Ayat ul Kursi Protection: Many believe it offers protection against physical and spiritual harm, acting as a shield from malevolent forces. Strengthening Faith: Regular recitation deepens one’s faith and connection with Allah, fostering reliance on His guidance in times of adversity. Spiritual Nourishment: Beyond protection, it provides spiritual nourishment, fostering humility, gratitude, and a deeper

Online Quran for kids and adults

Online Quran with proper Tajweed – Virtual Quran Courses for kids & Adults

At Online Cloud Education, our goal is to empower Muslims by providing a cost-effective and easily accessible platform for both kids and adults to learn the Quran online. Our online Quran classes emphasize Tajweed and Tafseer, enabling students to deeply understand and derive immense joy from the Quranic teachings. We are committed to refining the most efficient approaches to ensure students can proficiently read and recite the Quran, leveraging interactive online tools for enhanced accessibility. Our dedicated team of skilled instructors stands ready to mentor you or your kids through this enriching educational journey. What makes online Quran classes essential for kids? The Quran, revered as the divine word of Allah, holds utmost importance in Islam, prompting Muslim parents to impart its teachings to their kids from a tender age. This early period is crucial for absorbing and memorizing the Quran’s verses deeply. While traditionally, kids have been sent to

Tenth Muharram in Islam: Considering a Day of Significance

Tenth Muharram in Islam: Considering a Day of Significance

When Should We Fast for Ashura? On the 10th day of Muharram, the fast of Ashura is observed, according to the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) In addition to fasting on Ashura itself, Muslims are strongly advised to fast on the day before and after Ashura, i.e. on the 9th and 11th of Muharram. This recommendation is based on a hadith in which the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) this advice: صُومُوا قَبْلَهُ يَوْمًا، أَوْ بَعْدَهُ يَوْمًا “Fast on the day before and the day after Ashura.” (Musnad Ahmad) Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim further elaborated on different levels of fasting during Ashura: Fasting for 3 consecutive days: This includes fasting on the 9th, 10th, and 11th of Muharram. It is considered the most complete form of fasting during Ashura. Fasting on 9th and 10th Muharram: This level involves fasting on the day before and on Ashura itself. Fast to the 10th of

The First 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah: A Time for Special Worship and Good Deeds

The First 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah: A Time for Special Worship and Good Deeds

Muslims in all corners of the world have in their perception. A very special time associated with the first ten days of the month of Dhul Hijjah. The twelfth month of the Islamic calendar is named Dhul Hijjah. This is a holy month where many significant religious activities take place. Including; haj, the pilgrimage to Mecca and the feast of the sacrifice commonly referred to as the Eid ul-Adha. This is a time when Muslims should read or listen to the Quran, perform all good deeds and get closer to Allah. Why these days are important? The Islamic calendar’s first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah are among the holiest and most important. They coincide with the Hajj pilgrimage, one of the Five Pillars of Islam, obligatory for physically and financially able Muslims at least once in their lives. The climax is the Day of Arafah, where pilgrims pray for forgiveness

Enhance Your Quran Reading with proper Tajweed

Enhance Your Quran Reading with proper Tajweed

The Quran isn’t just a bunch of words; it’s a message from Allah to everyone. To really feel its magic, you have to recite it correctly. This is where Tajweed comes in. It helps you say each word properly by acting as a guide. We make it easy and available to learn Tajweed here at Online Cloud Education. We are here to help you, whether you are a beginner or want to improve your skills. Come with us and improve the way you read the Quran. Course Outline: Online Tajweed for the Quran Our online training on Tajweed for the Quran improves the way you read the Quran. It caters to students of all skill levels. You will learn a lot about Tajweed in this course, which will allow you to read the Quran correctly and beautifully. Let’s take a closer look at the most important parts of this lesson.


How to start an online Quran class?

Welcome to “Online Cloud Education”  where we combine Islamic principles with a curriculum from the 21st century. Our creative way of teaching gives students a well-rounded education that helps them connect with timeless ideas. With computer education, you can learn the Quran in the best possible way. It provides Muslims and non-Muslims a safe place to learn, practice, and share Islamic teachings and values. It also encourages dialogue and understanding between different faiths, provides social and humanitarian services, and encourages positive change in ourselves and our communities through faith-based education, outreach, and activism. To build a strong community that follows Islamic values, unity, kindness, respect, and aims for excellence in faith, knowledge, and service to others. https://onlinecloudeducation.com/contact-us/ https://onlinecloudeducation.com/blog/ Target Audience Our goal is to improve Muslims’ lives by giving kids and adults an easy and cheap way to learn the Quran online at home. Muslims who study Tajweed and get

Prayer Lessons for Kids and Adults: A Path of Peace and Faith

Prayer Lessons for Kids and Adults: A Path of Peace and Faith

Prayer is a strong way to connect with a greater power that gives us strength, peace, and direction. Learning about prayer can be helpful for both kids and adults, but the way to teach it can be different for each age group. We’ll talk about how to teach kids and adults how to pray in a way that is both fun and why prayer lesson for kids and adults important in this blog. https://www.gatherandgrow.co/family-faith-building-teaching-kids-prayer/ https://www.splashlearn.com/blog/prayers-for-children-to-teach-kids-how-to-be-grateful/ Kids should learn how to pray Have fun and connect with it Having fun is the best way for kids to learn. Use stories, and games that catch their attention to teach them about prayer. For instance, use stories from religious books to show how important and powerful prayer is. Make these stories easy to understand by using bright pictures and simple words. Set up a routine Setting up a daily prayer time helps kids

Importance of charity (Zakat) in Islam

Importance of charity (Zakat) in Islam

One of the Five Pillars of Islam is zakat. Which is a basic practice that shows compassion, fairness, and duty to the community. As a sort of required almsgiving, Muslims who are eligible must give 2.5% of their annual wealth to people who need it.  The word “Zakat” itself means “purification” and “growth.” It refers to both cleaning up one’s wealth and making society more fair. In addition to its economic effects, Zakat has very important moral meanings.  It is an act of worship that shows how much a Muslim believes in and follows Allah’s rules.  Giving Zakat cleans up a person’s wealth. making it halal (allowed) and good.  This kind deed makes you more caring, thankful, and responsible, which is good for your mental health and growth. Furthermore. https://www.islamic-relief.org.uk/giving/islamic-giving/zakat/why-is-zakat-important/ https://www.zakat.org/ten-insightful-hadith-on-the-importance-of-charity-in-islam Stories of how Zakat has made communities better Zakat has a huge and far-reaching effect on communities all over